How Interview Training for Hiring Managers Helps Save Time and Money

A hiring manager in training selects candidate profiles represented as their headshots

Interview training for hiring managers is essential but ultimately drains resources–like time and money. Despite this problem, hiring managers and teams will not know what to look for during interviews without training. For that reason, they will not hire the most qualified candidates. Since hiring teams are the backbone of any company, the quality of training will influence the quality of employee performance. That being the case, how do we keep interview training for hiring managers efficient without wasting excess resources? 

Interview Training For Hiring Managers: How To Keep it Efficient

Overall, interview training for hiring managers needs to be efficient and practical at the same time. Training should be to the point and individualized to ensure you meet those criteria. Use resources wisely. If a member has experience analyzing soft skills, only train them on how to analyze hard skills, and vice versa. 

Following these recommendations will ultimately keep your employees from wasting time–ergo, company resources.

Tools For Successful Interview Training For Hiring Managers 

Using specific tools and exercises can benefit your interviewers during the hiring process. Training on these particular tools may be more beneficial than training on the manual actions that the tools automate. 

Artificial Intelligence 

New hires going through the interview training process and experienced professionals can both benefit from artificial intelligence (AI) resume screening. This tool can save time and excess training. 

AI resume screening can identify a candidate’s specific skills presented by their resume, something that a human may overlook. Understanding how to use this technology is more beneficial than manually screening resumes. Artificial intelligence can screen multiple resumes quicker than a human could.  

With artificial intelligence, interviewers can spend more time creating interview questions for qualified candidates than analyzing resumes and weeding out candidates. After all, screening resumes is a mundane task requiring much patience. Artificial intelligence doesn’t get bored or run out of time; therefore, it can continue screening as long as you need. 

Automatic Grading 

The take-home test is the first obstacle that candidates must pass to move on to the next interview process step. Grading can take a long time, especially if there are short-answer questions that candidates have to read. 

This part of the interview training for hiring managers can take a long time. Instead of training on analyzing technical skills during face-to-face interviews with data scientists, these interviewers are wasting time learning how to grade tests.

Automatic grading tools can save time and speed up the grading process. A virtual take-home test environment with integrated features for automatic grading and recorded answers will shorten the hiring process and give better insight into candidates' skill sets. 

Specially Built Environments 

It’s essential to build candidate profiles, so you can go back and compare at the end of the interviews. Learning how to build a candidate profile can take time, just as creating the profile does. During face-to-face interviews, adding to the profile can distract from other duties–like analyzing unique skills. You may not remember everything even if you put this task off until after the interviews. Especially if it’s a very technical position, you may need to add specific responses to the profile.

For these occasions, specialized coding environments can save the candidate's written code and program output to their profiles as they are being evaluated. With automated candidate profiles, interview training for hiring managers becomes much easier, along with the actual interview process. 

Specialized environments also keep interviews fair. If each candidate could use their own integrated development environment (IDE), the interviewer may not be familiar with its design. This scenario makes analyzing skills a lot harder. Having each candidate work within the same environment keeps the interview training for hiring managers easier since they only have to understand the functionality of one IDE rather than multiple.  

Other specially built environments that can help with your hiring process:

Recruitment Analytics

To help interview training for hiring managers, recruitment analytics can give them a better understanding of the problems within the hiring process that need addressing. 

Recruitment analytics–such as hiring performance metrics and identifying skill gaps across the company–help interviewers plan for interviews. Knowing where skill gaps lay in different departments can show interviewers what parts of the interviews to emphasize. If one department lacks leadership skills, the interviewer will need to hire someone with those skills for their next open position. 

While training new interviewers, you will not need to train them on how to put together this data manually since the recruitment analytics will do it for them. Instead, train them on how to apply the data to their assessments.

Filtered For Efficient Hiring

Interview training for hiring managers can drain necessary resources. However, automating mundane and tedious tasks can save resources, time, and employee retention.

  • Artificial intelligence for resume screening
  • Automatic grading for take-home tests
  • Specially built environments for candidate profiles
  • Recruitment analytics for better evaluations

Guarantee efficiency and effectiveness during your hiring processes with Filtered. 

Filtered is a leader in skills-based hiring. Our end-to-end technical hiring platform enables you to spend time reviewing only the most qualified candidates, putting skills and aptitude at the forefront of your decisions. We’ll help you automate hiring while applying objective, data-driven techniques to consistently and confidently select the right candidates. To get started, contact our team today or register for a FREE demo.