Assess for high quality candidates quickly and confidently.

Assess candidates quickly and confidently.

for enterprise internal mobility

Establish a talent inventory for your organization

Benchmark internal employees
Evaluating your employees by skill level gives you visibility into the true health of your IT and engineering organization.
Benchmark internal employees
Evaluating your employees by skill level gives you visibility into the true health of your IT and engineering organization.
Data analysis on talent inventory
Know the full capability of your people so you can plan strategies, form teams, and continue your path to digital transformation.
Data analysis on talent inventory
Know the full capability of your people so you can plan strategies, form teams, and continue your path to digital transformation.
Talent reminder on job openings
When opening new positions, you have access to a talent inventory which consists of your own employee and candidates available for you.
Talent reminder on job openings
When opening new positions, you have access to a talent inventory which consists of your own employee and candidates available for you.