Assess for high quality candidates quickly and confidently.

Assess candidates quickly and confidently.

for contingent workforce

Empower your talent solution through digital transformation

ATS integration
Empower your MSP to standardize the way vendors qualify talent. Get better candidates and easier reporting.
ATS integration
Empower your MSP to standardize the way vendors qualify talent. Get better candidates and easier reporting.
Keep things moving
Enforce accountability for candidates, reviewers, and peers with status updates and progress tracking.
Keep things moving
Enforce accountability for candidates, reviewers, and peers with status updates and progress tracking.
Best in, first out
The highest-scoring candidates stand out the most which means you can hire them before someone else does.
Best in, first out
The highest-scoring candidates stand out the most which means you can hire them before someone else does.
One-to-many submission
Qualified candidates are matched to all relevant opening positions
One-to-many submission
Qualified candidates are matched to all relevant opening positions