How Data-Driven Recruiting Can Help Achieve Greater Diversity in the Workplace

Data analytics is changing the way we hire for all industries. These analytics give hiring managers and teams insight on weaknesses needing to be addressed in each team, and biases in the hiring process, helping find the most qualified candidates for open position(s). By implementing data-driven recruiting technology and analytics, your hiring teams can increase diversity and improve productivity throughout your organization. 

Why is Diversity Important in The Workplace?

Diversity is important in the workplace because it promotes productivity and growth within every industry. Diversity gives projects multiple perspectives. Ultimately, people think differently. These different perspectives and thought processes will give your projects more coverage surrounding all aspects that may not potentially be covered otherwise. 

Different backgrounds promote unique skill sets. Having diversity in the workforce will provide a team with more skill sets. The wide range of skill sets can reinforce strengths and cover weaknesses. 

Additionally, diversity in the workplace enhances communication. Whether your company deals directly with consumers or other businesses, there will inevitably be a language barrier at some point. Diversifying your company's employee portfolio will help in these situations by hiring an employee who can help communicate with clients. 

Key Factors in Diversifying The WorkForce With Data-Driven Recruiting Technology 

Despite the importance of diversity in the workforce, it’s difficult to represent all cultures, backgrounds, and skill sets. The system that is followed during a hiring process can determine whether your company provides adequate representation. Unfortunately, providing a truly objective hiring process that promotes diversity is difficult. Fortunately, there are ways to diversify your workforce, starting by implementing data-driven recruiting technology. 

Data-driven recruiting technology can accurately predict which candidates are the best fit for a position without bias. This technology can provide your hiring teams with the necessary tools and resources.

  • Automated grading tools
  • Specifically designed assessments
  • Synced databases 
  • Recruiting analytics
  • Candidate authentication 
  • Interview fraud prevention

These are just some of the features and integrations which data-driven recruiting technology can provide to your teams for promoting diversity and elevating the hiring process.

Not only can data-driven recruiting technology optimize the recruitment process, but it identifies biases that may be present in selection. This feature will ultimately lead to a more diverse and qualified workforce. 

Automated Grading Tools

Automatic grading tools can grade tests fairly and unbiasedly. With unbiased scoring, hiring managers can objectively determine the candidates to pass on to the next round and which ones to eliminate. This tool can help encourage diversity in hiring by taking away subjective influences.  

Specifically Designed Assessments

Every team has strengths and weaknesses. Emphasizing those skill sets in specially designed assessments will strengthen teams. These assessments encourage unique skill sets, therefore encouraging diverse skills and backgrounds. 

These tailored assessments and environments give candidates the chance to assess real-life scenarios, making it easier for hiring managers to evaluate them. 

Some environments to utilize include:

  • Specially Designed Coding Environments
  • Virtual Whiteboards
  • Take-Home Testing Environments  

Recruiting Analytics

Identify skill gaps in your organization by utilizing recruiting analytics. These skills gaps aid hiring teams in determining where there is a lack of diversity. If the team lacks comprehensive skill sets, hiring someone with a unique background that encourages those skill sets can be useful. The best way to determine these gaps is by using recruiting analytics for analysis. 

It’s also important to identify different biases in your hiring process. These biases are likely your company's reason for lack of diversity. Recruiting analytics can help hiring managers see the demographics of already employed employees and pick apart where departments lack diversity. If a specific team or department shows a majority of employees under the same demographic, look at why that might be and determine whether there is something wrong in the hiring process. 

Emphasize Diversity With Data-Driven Recruiting

Data-driven recruiting can improve diversity and productivity within your organization. Implementing features and analytics can create a smoother, more objective hiring process that is fair to all demographics and encourages strengths in each candidate. Having diversity in your teams will increase competency and efficiency. 

Encourage diversity in your workforce by implementing the data-driven recruiting technology provided by Filtered. 

Filtered is a leader in skills-based hiring. Our end-to-end technical hiring platform enables you to spend time reviewing only the most qualified candidates, putting skills and aptitude at the forefront of your decisions. We’ll help you automate hiring while applying objective, data-driven techniques to consistently and confidently select the right candidates. To get started, contact our team today or register for a FREE demo.